Thursday, August 15, 2019

Gender segregation in children Essay

According to research children establish and maintain same gender relationships, the play in groups which are mainly composed of their own gender. Gender segregation has been observed in children as young as three years. Gender segregated social groups among children is significant within the segregated groups since children do experience different world from other peers and they have an opportunity to learn gender typed skills, roles, characteristics which are deemed by society. Gender segregation among children leads to different patterns of social interactions and play experiences promoting differences in their social, intellectual, and emotional development (Kimberley, 1995, p. 61). Children interaction is different depending on whether is a girl or a boy. Gender segregation is mostly influenced by expression of social interactions mainly during preschool activities. Cognition on play partners on children correlates with preferences of play partners. Social cognition accounts for changes in age in sex segregation (Martin, 1999, p. 751). Different interactive styles of children of different genders This examines individual variations in child pretense play and expression emerging mental representation. Children develop different interactive styles which are to some level at odds. Boys and girls react differently to situations with boys being more resistant and avoidance than girls (Martin, 1999, p. 755). There is a gender gap in the interactive styles among children. Child solitary play child are initiated y their mothers with maternal demonstration and solicitation. Mother symbolic and children language positively influence collaborative child play with verbal intelligence from child solitary play (Kimberley, 1995, p. 62). Different language/communication styles of children of different genders Communication language has been found to be harder in girls than in boys. Girls have significantly greater activation language areas in their brains compared to boys. Boys talk more and they are more assertive regarding their social interactions compared to girls (Kimberley, 1995, p. 62). Children stereotype believes about different gender roles Children learn mostly from parents with differences on how boys and girls behave being facilitated by differences on how they are treated by parents, teachers and friends (Martin, 1999, p. 760). Gender have differences on different issues like aggression, learning and they differently react to different situations (Kimberley, 1995, p. 64) Different preferences of different toys by different gender All over the world boys and girls play with different types of toys. Boys mostly prefer cars and trucks while girls prefer dolls. This is so because sociologically boys and girls are encouraged to play with different types of toys by their peers, parents or the society (Kimberley, 1995, p. 67). Theoretical (biological, social, cultural, etc. ) explanations for the gender differences Sex is believed to be natural but gender is cultural and a social construction. Differences among individuals in different gender are attributed to their choices but the differences are mainly as a result of gender conditioning. They undermine common humanity and individual freedom (Kimberley, 1995, p. 69). Children learn most things from their parents, teachers and peers. Socialization brings about sex role attitude. Parental influence changes children attitudes. Children behave based on their gender is also influenced by parents, teachers and media (Martin, 1999, p. 762). Annoted Bibliography Kimberley, K., (1995), â€Å"Gender segregating among children: understanding the ‘Cootie Phenomena’,† Journal of young children, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 61-69 This articles reviews on development of gender role and discusses on how boys and girls are different. It discusses on gender segregation on why children choose playmates of the same sex, how they develop different interactive styles, differ in their communication language, how they have different roles in their stereotype believes, how they differ in their preferences on toys and the theoretical explanation of gender differences. Martin, C. , Fabes, R. , Evans, S. , Wyman, H. , & Fabes, R. , (1999), â€Å"Social Cognition on the Playground: Children Beliefs about Playing with Girls versus Boys and Their Relations to Sex Segregated Play,† Journal of Social & Personal Relationships, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 751-771 This article argues on individual variation in child pretense play as expression of emerging mental representation. There is family sociodemographic characteristic, maternal affective, maternal personological and cognitive play behaviors among children. According to this article, cognitive advantages on child play and maternal influences on child play which is put in the framework of adaptive parenting.

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