Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hamlet Characters Essays - Characters In Hamlet,

Hamlet Characters In the play Hamlet Gertrude and Ophelia are portrayed as weak characters. The men in their lives have complete control over them. These women obviously do not have a mind of their own. If they listened to themselves, they would have more control of their lives. Ophelia is one of those women who is a lost cause to society. She makes women look helpless and that we can be easily manipulated. Hamlet basically used Ophelia as merely a toy to play with. She was never treated as a human being only as an object. Hamlet told Ophelia that he "I loved you not. (1097)" He made her a weak individual by saying "Frailty thy name is women. (1062)" This quote made Ophelia looks like she could never hold her own ground. Whenever Polonius needed her, she was always at his becking call. She has a tendency to not be true to her man Hamlet. Since she was under the control of her father, he convinced her to find out information from Hamlet. Hamlet: Ha, ha! Are you honest? Ophelia: My lord? Hamlet: Are you fair? Ophelia: What means your lordship? Hamlet: That if you be honest and fair, your honesty should admit no discourse to your beauty (1097). Hamlet was on to her in this discussion he knew that she was lying. He just wanted to her feel like the weaker one. He also wanted to shoe his Uncle and Polonius that he knew what was up. Ophelia sells hamlet out to follow the orders of her father. Since Ophelia has no true identity to herself, all she merely can be is a pawn on a chessboard. Gertrude is one of those women that knows exactly what is going and never says anything. She definitely knows how and who killed her husband but, thinks it is a great idea to keep her mouth shut. Gertrude had the nerve to marry her husband's brother two months after he died. In a way that portrays that she never really loved the king. Hamlet: Mother, you have my father much offended. Queen: Come, come, you answer with an idle tongue. Hamlet: Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue. Queen: Why, how now, Hamlet! Hamlet: What's the matter now? Queen: Have you forgot me? Hamlet: No, by the rood, not so: You are the queen, your husband's brother's wife; And,--would it were not so!?you are my mother(1097) . In this discussion Hamlet is telling his mom that he disapproves of her marriage. He also tells her that she is not paying any attention to him. Gertrude has a hard time standing up for herself and her son. The king has such control over her that it seems like she never has her own opinion. She always agrees with Claudius and never speaks out about any issues that is happening in the castle. Gertrude is a spineless waif, she is a nobody but at the same time she is a someone to her people. It is like she is a paradox to her identity. She never knows what identity to portray to her husband or to her people. Gertrude now begins to see her epiphany. By Hamlet's yelling and screaming Gertrude finally understood why Hamlet was so upset. Queen: O Hamlet, speak no more: Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul; And there I see such black and grained spots as will not leave there tinct. Hamlet: Nay, but to live In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love over the nasty sty,- Queen: O, speak to me nomore; These words like daggers enter in mine ears; No, more sweet Hamlet(1113-14). In this play the female heroine has a way of making women look weak and helpless. To women of today this play would be extremely insulting to the female mind. In Hamlet women have been viewed as frail subordinate creature. As the reader this play sends a contemptuous message to women.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

loneliness in Of Mi and Mence essays

loneliness in Of Mi and Mence essays In John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men loneliness runs alongside friendship as a major theme. Although ranch life in the 1930s America is lonely for migrant workers and many other people, George and Lennie, two of the loneliest guys in the world (13), at least have each other. For African-Americans like Crooks, women like Curleys wife, or the old like Candy, life is far more lonely. The person who expresses his loneliness most openly and deeply is Crooks the African-American stablehand, a victim of racial prejudice. When Lennie enters his room uninvited, Crooks, out of bitter pride, exercises his only right, that of privacy in his own room. (68) He is so desperately lonely that he cruelly tries to hurt Lennie with tales of George deserting him to try to make him understand what it feels like to be so alone. (71-72) His envy of their friendship shows when he says: George can tell you screwy things, and it dont matter. Its just the talking. Its just bein with another guy. (71) Glad to have someone to talk to, he warns of the dangers of too much loneliness and continues with: A guy needs somebody- to be near him... A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. (72) The reason Lennie goes to see Crooks, of course, is that George is out of town with the other ranch hands and he wants some company. When Candy joins them too, Crooks can hardly conceal his pleasure w ith anger. (75) Candy the cleaner seems to deal with his loneliness by gossiping and listening for whats going on. He also worries about his future when he is too old to work and explains his reasons for wanting to be part of the plan to buy a smallholding: When they can me here I wisht somebodyd shoot me... I wont have no place to go, an I cant get no more jobs. (60) Curleys wife would have been doomed to ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Urban Politics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Urban Politics - Research Paper Example Poverty in the United States is seen to vary to a great degree depending on a number of factors; some of these factors include an individual’s education level, age, family living arrangements, area of residence and labor force attachment. Poverty is noted to generally be more highly concentrated in some areas as compared to others. This aspect is clearly demonstrated by the fact that poverty levels are found to be considerably higher in the center of cities as compared to a city’s suburban areas. In addition to this, poverty rates are also found to be about three times as high in the poorest states as compared to the least poor states. Of note is that it is normal for some neighborhoods to be characterized as having a higher concentration of poverty as compared to others. According to Gabe (2015), the incidence of poverty in central city areas is generally found to be considerably higher at 19.1% than that in suburban areas 11.1% within metropolitan areas. As at 2013, nonmetropolitan areas were recorded as having poverty rates averaging about 16.1%. A typical pattern in poverty rates in metropolitan areas is for the poverty rates to generally be highest in the center city areas. These high rates of poverty then proceed to gradually drop off as one moves towards the suburban areas before experiencing a subsequent increase with increasing distance from the core of the metropolitan area. Ever since President Lyndon Johnson first moved to declare a War on Poverty in the United States and the subsequent passage of the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act, the optimism that first surrounded these measures is noted to have rapidly faded over the years. Both the Federal and the State governments have over the years designed and implemented a number of policies designed to help to reducing poverty rates but these have been met with moderate success. The rather unwelcome corollary that has resulted from rural-urban

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Current Issues in the Persian Gulf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Current Issues in the Persian Gulf - Essay Example In addition, it has restricted outside access, built an airstrip and increased military presence on the island. Challenges that make gulf to be a troubled region is not a recent development, neither is it news for the Washingtoni. The vast oil reserves in the region make the balance of power in the gulf a concern for US policy makers. The US has been constantly involved in the gulf region, and this is consistent with the western security policy. Since the end of World War 2, US has ensured that gulf region gains stability and access to oil preservation increasesii. Washington policies in the gulf are not for US to gain access to water, but indeed ensure that there is stability of the oil market in the region. This is because oil shocks might negatively affect oil prices in the US. Geopolitics and energy security are not only the factors that engage US in the Gulf region. The American quest for ensuring stability in energy prices has been influenced by ideological considerations on the nature of US power. During the cold war, US strategy was to fight communism that was advocated by the Soviet Union. The collapse of communism in the gulf and end of soviet threat made the US reassess their strategies. The major concern of the US and other international communities in the Gulf is to ensure there is stability and security. This will reduce risk in energy markets around the world and encourage investors to invest in this regioniii. US and Iran relation is a step in the right direction as there will be international supervision of nuclear program, and in turn sanction in Iran will be uplifted. This will increase the living standards in the region and ensure there is stability in the region. This relation is an import step where dialogue is used instead of deploying troops in the region. Deploying troops in the Gulf region will certainly increase risk than reduces these risks. Iran

Sunday, November 17, 2019

1980s Latin America Debt Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

1980s Latin America Debt Crisis - Essay Example Latin American countries followed a heavy reliance on debt finance. First, increases in foreign debt in these countries were higher than the revenues they had derived from their annual exports. In 1976, Mexico exported oil which paved the way for excess imports since cheap loans can be readily tapped. Brazil implemented a program of industrial expansion. Argentina and Chile established an overvalued exchange rate policy as an integral part of anti-inflationary strategy. Diverse government policies led these Latin American countries to defective exchange rate policies and excessive dependence on external capital flows.Another factor for the persistent debt problem was the fact that state enterprises became the conduit for absorbing external resources. The government guarantee provided for foreign denominated loans was attractive to external lenders who had no information on the real risk profile of the debtors. Public enterprises implemented programs of investment which guaranteed dir ect control over the foreign exchange proceeds to the national government. (Wesson, 9)In the years after 1983, these countries suffered from capital outflows and from the persistent slide in primary commodity prices. From 1983 up to 1986, Latin American terms of trade declined by 15 percent. Increased exports were negatively affected by falling prices. Countries. Argentina and Peru were especially hard hit. Mexico went into crisis due to falling oil prices in 1986.The lingering imbalance in the U.S. balance of payments contributed to the disadvantage of Latin America. The United States buys manufactured imports from Asian Countries (NICs) while shutting off capital flows from Latin American countries. Japanese and European surpluses were sent to the United States to get higher rates of investment. Economic growth in Latin America was supported by an import-substitution industrialization which protected the domestic industrial economy by means of high tariffs, import duties, and government subsidies. The initial arrangement benefited the economy but by the late 1960s, it was beginning to negatively affect agriculture which provides the needed foreign exchange. The industry had expensive domestic inputs that resulted in making major Mexican agricultural exports uncompetitive. Government policies which controlled domestic food prices also discouraged the increase of food production. As the population increased, consumption rose, reducing the amount of food available for export. It became necessary either to generate more resources to satisfy the demands of the population, or to control or decrease such demands without undermining the peace of the ruling party. By 1970, Lus Echeverra Alvarez, was elected president. He implemented the policy of stabilizing development. Stabilizing development is the economic strategy which emphasized growth over equity. The assumption had been that these resources would trickle down to the poor. The Echeverra administration opted for a strategy of shared development. This policy would emphasize equity and growth by policies that channel a greater share of economic gains to Mexico's lower classes. Echeverra encouraged more aggressive trade unions and he rued that foreign investors and domestic businessmen for exploiting the country. As conflict increased and confidence in the administration's policies declined, capital flight began. The government was forced to devalue the Mexican peso twice. Echeverra's anger and dismay led him to expropriate vast tracts of private agricultural land to give them to landless peasants. The president's attempt to spend his way into growth and equity had clearly failed by 1976, when Jos Lpez Portillo succeeded him. Portillo assumed a conciliatory approach in the face of problems. He then decided to secure foreign funding using the vast petroleum reserves of Mexico. Finally, commercial bankers were lining up to lend Mexico money in an attempt to reinvest billions of petrodollars that Arab governments had placed on

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of Airports Political, Environmental and Social

Impact of Airports Political, Environmental and Social Airports play an important economic role within their local communities. Airports serve a significant role in the economic shaping of the communities of which they serve due to the sheer actuality that they are among the largest public facilities in the world. It is well understood that a viable and efficient transportation system is a fundamental and necessary component to the economy of any region (Wells Young, 2004). Although there is no doubt that the presence of an airport has great positive impacts on a surrounding community from an economic standpoint, the presence of an airport, much like any large industrial complex, unfortunately impacts the community and surrounding natural environment in what many consider a negative manner. These effects are a result of activity whose sources is the airport itself and of vehicles, as well as both aircraft and ground vehicles, which travel to and from the airport (Wells Young, 2004). Examine the political, environmental and social impact an airport has on its local community. Analyze some rules and regulations that govern environmental impact activities, and explain how their strategies help satisfy the needs of the local communities while maintaining sufficient airport operations. Determine and evaluate the role technology plays in mitigating the risks and reducing the environmental impacts created by airport activity. Determine if a relationship exist between community economic growth indicators and airport activity. Program Outcome addressed by this question. 1. P.O. #1: Students will be able to apply the fundamentals of air transportation as part of a global, multimodal transportation system, including the technological, social, environmental, and political aspects of the system to examine, compare, analyze and recommend conclusion. A literary review will analyze the environmental impacts of airports on the surrounding communities in which they serve. An evaluation of environmentally related complaints filed against aviation activity and reported to the FAA will determine the most significant environmental impacts associated with airports. Predicting the future of the global multimodal air transportation system is impossible without first understanding the local role and responsibility of each component of the air transportation system. This question will show evidence of satisfying the Program Outcome by demonstrating how the social, economical, political, and environmental fundamentals of an airport are an integral part of the air transportation system, and how these factors contribute to the relationship that an airport has with its surrounding communities. Research and Analysis Airports serve a significant role in the political, economic, and social shaping of the communities of which they serve due to the sheer actuality that they are among the largest public facilities in the world. Political Roles A major commercial airport is a huge public enterprise. Some are literally cities in their own right, with a great variety of facilities and services (Wells Young, 2004). Although the administrative functions and responsibilities of these facilities are governed by public entities, airports are also comprised of private dispositions. Commercial airports must be operated in cooperation with the air carriers that provide air transportation service and all airports must work with tenants, such as concessionaires, fixed-based operators (FBOs), and other firms doing business on airport property. This amalgamation of public management and private enterprise fashions a unique political role for airport management (Wells Young, 2004). Airline carrier-airport relationships. One of the most prominent and essential relationships in the aviation industry is the airport airline relationship. When viewing the relationship from the airlines standpoint, an airport is a point along their route system for the purpose of enplaning, deplaning, and transferring passengers, cargo, and freight. To facilitate effective and efficient operations, the airlines necessitate specific facilities and services at each airport. The specified requirements of the airports are as varied and unique as the airlines who request them; however, they scarcely remain stagnant, as they are ever changing and evolving to meet the needs of traffic demands, economic conditions, and the competitive climate. Before airline deregulation in 1978, response to changes of this sort was slow and mediated by the regulatory process. Airlines had to apply to the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) for permission to add or drop routes or to change fares. CAB deliberations involved published notices, comments f rom opposing parties, and sometimes hearings that could take months, even years, and all members of the airline airport community were aware of an airline carriers intention to make a change long before they received permission from the CAB (Wells Young, 2004). The Deregulation Act of 1978 enabled air carriers to change their routes and fares without awaiting the approval of the CAB. Many of these changes occurred on short notice, thus causing airline necessities and requirements at airports to change with haste. Contrary to the viewpoints of air carriers, which operate at multiple airports over a route system connecting many cities, airports concentrate on accommodating the interests of a variety of users at a solitary location. Airport operators and managers have the strenuous task of ensuring that they meet all the demands and requirements of their airline carriers while maintaining their resources. Due to the rapidly changing specifics of each airline carrier, airports often find their services and facilities needing improving or refurbishing, requiring major capital expenditures or even making obsolete an already constructed facility. Airport operators and managers must exercise diligence and caution in realizing that they accommodate and must meet the needs of other tenants and users besides the airline carriers, and must ensure that the airports landside facilities are effectively and efficiently utilized. Although the landside facilities are of minimal importance to the airline carrie rs, their efficiency can severely have an effect on and be affected by their operations. Despite their notably different perspectives, airline carriers and airports share the collective objective of making the airport a successful and established economic venture in which both parties can benefit and prosper from. Traditionally the relationship between the airline carriers and airports has been formally fused through the use of airport user agreements which establish the circumstances and methodology for establishing, calculating, and collecting usage fees and charges. These agreements are also used to identify the rights and privileges of air carriers, sometimes including the right to approve or disapprove any major proposed airport capital development projects (Wells Young, 2004). Residual cost airports, or airports where two or more air carriers assume financial risk by agreeing to pay any cost of running the airport that are not allocated to other users, typically have longer-term use agreements than compensatory airports, with agreements of terms of 20 or more year s and terms of 30 years or longer not being uncommon. On the other hand, only approximately half of compensatory airports, or airports in which the airport operator assumes the financial risk of running the airport and charges the air carrier fees and rental rates set so as to recover the actual costs, have agreements running for 20 years or more, with many of the compensatory airports having no contractual agreements whatsoever with the airline carriers (Wells Young, 2004). Concessionaire-airport relationships. Another vital relationship which attributes to an airports success is the relationship between the airport and the concessionaires. This is due to the fact that the majority of airports rely on their concessionaires in order to generate a considerable amount of their non-aviation related revenues. Airports maintain management contracts and concession agreements with the concessionaires who provided the airport with services and facilities such as banks, restaurants, hotels, car rental companies, parking facilities, bookstores, bars, gift shops, taxi services, and business centers. The context of these agreements varies to a great extent; however, they typically extend the various concessionaires the privilege of operating on the property of the airport in exchange for the greater payment of either a minimal annual fee, or a percentage of the revenues. These agreements can vary from outlet to outlet at the same airport depending upon location, nature of business, forecast turnover and whether or not the outlet is new (Francis et. al, 2004). The tenure of each agreement between the airport and the various concessionaires and the financial circumstances affixed to each will vary by airport and concessionaire. The length of the contractual agreement is dependent upon an array of criteria, with one of the most important being the level of investment required from the retailer. If little investment is required then a contract is often short term; however, if any substantial level of investment is required from the retailer then a contract of five years would be considered the minimum (Freathy OConnell, 1999). A concessionaire who is often overlooked when speaking of concessionaire, despite its critically important role, is the fixed based operator (FBO). FBOs generally provide services for airport firms, users, and tenants lacking facilities of their own, typically through fuel sales, and aircraft repair, service, and maintenance facility operations. The contracts and agreements between airport operators and FBOs vary due to FBOs constructing and developing its own facilities on airport property in some cases, and FBOs simply managing facilities belonging to the airport in other cases. In addition to concessionaires, some airport authorities serve as landlord to other tenants which may reside and operate on airport property such as industrial parks, freight forwarders, and warehouses, all of which can provide significant revenue. It is the responsibility of airport management to maintain fruitful political relationships with all tenants, by ensuring reasonable lease fees, contract terms, and an overall mix of tenants that meet the needs of the airport and the public it serves (Wells Young, 2004). General aviation-airport relationships. In contrast to airline carriers and concessionaires, contractual agreements are rarely used to characterize and solidify the relationships between airport operators and general aviation (GA). GA is a diverse group which can be comprised of GA aircraft owned and operated by an assortment of organizations and individuals for a miscellaneous number of leisure, business, or instructional purposes. Agreement when they are in place, are seldom long term due to the variety and diversity of owners and aircraft type and use. Airport facilities, in particular storage space such as hangars and tie-downs, are often leased from the airport with the airport playing the role of landlord in a landlord-tenant relationship. Thus, at the airport, the primary needs of GA are parking and storage space, along with facilities for fuel, maintenance, and repair. Whereas as air carrier might occupy a gate for an hour to deplane and enplane passengers and load fuel, a GA user might need to have property space to park an aircraft for a day or more (Wells Young, 2004). Airport-public relations. Indubitably, one of the most vital and challenging relationships that an airport must foster and maintain, is the relationship between the airport and its community it serves. The overall goal of the airport must be to create goodwill and a positive reputation for the airport and its products, services, and ideals with the community, who can affect its present and future welfare. Without regards to the size, location, or activity scope of an airport, every airport four publics in which it must deal with. These publics include the 1) external business public, which includes all segments of the business, government, educational, and general flying public; the 2) external general public, which is all the local citizens and taxpayer, many of whom have never been to the airport but who vote on airport issues or who represent citizens groups with particular concerns; the 3) internal business public, which includes the businesses and enterprises who interests are tied directly to the airpor t-the airlines, FBOs, other members of the GA community, government officials, and other aviation and travel-oriented local businesses and trade organizations, and the employees of all these enterprises; and the 4) internal employee public comprised of everyone who works for the airport and its parent organization (Wells Young, 2004). Like any other facility that is a part of and serves the total community, the airport requires total understanding by its community and publics, and must ensure that it creates an environment and atmosphere of awareness and acceptance. Airport regulatory policies. The airport has many organizations who are profoundly interested in their operations, and in developing and preserving airports due to their role in the national air transportation system and their value to the communities and publics they serve. The primary goal of these groups is to provide political support for their causes with hopes to influence federal, state, and local laws concerning airports and aviation operations in their favor (Wells Young, 2004). Some of the most prominent groups include the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA), the Air Transport Association of America (ATA), the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), the Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association (ADMA), the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), the Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (G AMA), the Helicopter Association International (HAI), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA), the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO), the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), the Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA), and the Regional Airline Association (RAA). Economic Roles Unquestionably, airports are economic locomotives and a reflection of the community, publics, and region in which they reside, serve, and represent. Transportation, by definition, provides the ability for people and goods to move between communities, thus leading to trade and commerce between markets, which in turn, lead to jobs, earnings, and overall economic benefit for a communitys residents (Wells Young, 2004). Transportation role. Despite the fact that there are numerous modes of transportations, to include automobiles, trains, trucks, and ships, air travel has had a significant impact on trade and commerce that is absolutely unrivaled by any other transportation mode. In comparison to their sister modes of transportation, travel in the aviation system allows substantial amounts of passengers and cargo to travel internationally in relatively short periods of time, resulting in communities garnering extraordinary and exceptional economic benefit through providing them access to various world-wide markets. Stimulating economic growth. The airport has become vital to the growth of business and industry in a community by providing air access for companies that must meet the demands of supply, competition, and expanding marketing areas. Economic impacts of airports are measured according to direct impact and indirect, or induced, impact. Directs impacts include the economic activities carried out at the airport by airline carriers, airport management and operators, FBOs, and other firms, and tenants with a direct involvement with aviation. Airports and the agencies and tenants that directly impact the airports represent a major source of employment for their various outlying communities, with the wages and salaries earned by the employees of airport-related business having a significant direct economic impact on the local communities economy by providing the means to purchase goods and services while generating tax revenues as well. Local payrolls are not the only measure of an airports economic benefit to the commun ity. In addition, the employee expenditures generate successive waves of additional employment and purchases that are more difficult to measure, yet nevertheless substantial (Wells Young, 2004). Total Airport Earnings and Employment (Earnings in Millions) Category Earnings Jobs Salaries $208.91 4,870 Local Fuel Purchases $3.99 237 Local Non-Fuel Purchases $4.23 252 Rent $18.35 723 Equipment Purchases $1.39 82 Utilities $8.07 318 Contractual Services $41.77 1,647 State Taxes $10.16 125 Local Taxes $27.42 338 Other Spending $73.14 901 Hotel Spending $42.20 2,234 Construction $19.11 743 Total $458.74 12,471 * Totals may not add due to rounding Table 1: Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY) 2004 earnings and employment. Taken from MSY 2004 Airport Report In addition to the direct economic impact generated by the airport, the outlying communities receive indirect, or induced, impact generated by economic activities by on-airport businesses and off-airport business activities associated with the airport through-put, such as hotels, gas stations, restaurants, and travel agencies, as well their roles in facilitating trade and tourism, among others. The airport also indirectly supports the local economy through the use of local services for air cargo, food catering to the airlines, aircraft maintenance, and ground transportation on and around the airport, as regular purchases of fuel, food, goods, supplies, equipment, and other services permeate additional income into the communities surrounding the airport. The local economys tourism and business convention industry can also receive economic growth and substantial revenues indirectly impacted by the airport through air travelers patronage and use of hotels, restaurants, retail stores, sp orts and night clubs, rental cars, and local transportation, among others. Beyond the benefits that an airport brings to the community as a transportation facility and as a local industry, the airport has become a significant factor in the determination of real estate values in adjacent areas. Land located near airports almost always increases in value as the local economy begins to benefit from the presence of the airport. Land developers consistently seek land near airports, and it follows inexorably that a new airport will inspire extensive construction around it (Wells Young, 2004). TOTAL TAX REVENUE CREATED (In millions of $s) CATEGORY INCOME State Direct $9.95 Income $7.18 Selective Sales $7.52 General Sales $8.90 Business $2.48 Total State $36.04 Local Sales $10.57 Local Direct $23.83 Local Property Taxes $0.97 Total Local $35.38 State Plus Local $71.41 * Totals may not add due to rounding Table 2: MSY Tax revenue created 2004. Taken from MSY 2004 Airport Report Airports are a major force and contributor to the local, regional, and national economy with an impact that goes well beyond the actual physical boundaries of the airport. As cargo and passenger continue to rise, and infrastructure continue to improve, the importance and impacts of airports as economic catalyst will also continue to increase. Environmental Roles Although there is no doubt that the presence of an airport has great positive impacts on a surrounding community from an economic standpoint, the presence of an airport, much like any large industrial complex, unfortunately impacts the community and surrounding natural environment in what many consider a negative manner. These effects are a result of activity whose sources is the airport itself and of vehicles, as well as both aircraft and ground vehicles, which travel to and from the airport (Wells Young, 2004). Noise Impacts. Conceivably the most noteworthy environmental impact associated with airports is the noise emanated by the taking off and landing of aircraft, with engine maintenance and taxiing aircraft following closely behind. The impact of such noise on communities is usually analyzed in terms of the extent to which the noise annoys people by interfering with their normal activities, such as sleep, relaxation, speech, television, school, and business operations (GAO, 2000). According to a 1978 study that has become the generally accepted model for assessing the effects of long-term noise exposure, when sound exposure levels are measured by the method that assigns additional weight to sounds occurring at night (between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.), and those sound levels exceed 65 decibels, individuals report a noticeable increase in annoyance (Schultz, 1978). There is increasing evidence that high exposure to noise has adverse psychological and physiological effects and that people repeatedly exposed to loud noises might exhibit high stress levels, nervous tension, and inability to concentrate (Wells Young, 2004). Since the beginning of aviation, airports have always had conflicts with their neighboring communities; however, noise did not become an issue until the 1960s introduction of the commercial jet. It is estimated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that between 1960 and 1970, the land area affected by aviation-related noise and the complaints they received with noise as the culprit increased sevenfold.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marketing strategies, tactics, and techniques: A handbook for practitioners Essay

Psychological marketing Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a broad spectrum, there are different techniques that are used by sellers, marketers as well as the entire production companies to market their products as an endeavor to lure customers towards their side. One of those techniques is known as â€Å"Other-enhancement†. Essentially, other enhancement is one of the techniques that is used by the advertisers to make consumers or the targeted audience have positive attitude towards them. It is mostly done to perfection through gratifying them and is elemental in some of the product promotion endeavors as a means of advertisement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a matter of fact, the advertisers use exaggeration in portraying the positive side of the company in a bid to make customers to prefer working with them. For instance, Travel Company tries to sell tickets and uses the comments in commercial, â€Å"you deserve this, because you work hard.† When the customers read and analyze the comment, they feel recognized and their hard work recognized in the bid to make the company happy, they end up buying more goods or services as a means of awarding them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the L’Oreal, the cosmetic company technique of advertisement in the ad, Other-enhancement proves to be key as the company creates new red rouge. Inherently the advertisement uses other-enhancement technique to emphasize the unique characteristics of every woman, saying â€Å"rouge as unique as you are.† This makes customers feel different and special from others and at the same time, the company relates their unique feature of product relates to every woman’s uniqueness. â€Å"Your lips deserve more than just color â€Å"Tailored just for you and your smile, because you are worth it† creates the value of self-recognition. Here, the company shows the specialty of a commodity even if in the real sense it is not. The items value is exaggerated to catch the attention of the customers and make them buy their goods. L’REAL, uses words â€Å"enhancing luxurious feel† to sell their makeups us ing this technique.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In summary, most companies employ the psychological selling techniques as discussed. L’OREAL employs such methods to make their sales. The goods being sold are not as valuable as they are made look. The sellers play with the minds of potential buyers to trap them and make them buy their items. This marketing technique is adopted by most of the selling companies to promote the stock clearance. References Dobkin, J. (2008). Direct marketing strategies. Merion Station, PA: Danielle Adams Pub. Paley, N. (2008). The Marketing Strategy Desktop Guide. London: Thorogood. Rogers, S. C. (2001). Marketing strategies, tactics, and techniques: A handbook for practitioners. Westport, Conn: Quorum Books. Source document

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Portfolio Analysis of Square

Case Study: Portfolio Analysis of Square Toiletries LimitedPrepared by: Fatin Khandoker Ashraful Hassan Ashik Towhida Tasnim Rukhsar Sanjaree Nawaz Jafrin Ahmed Adiba Square is a well-renowned brand in Bangladesh. It provides a wide range of markets with various products and services. It operates various sectors and one of them being Square Toiletries Limited. The Boston Consulting Group Approach (BCG Matrix) is the method by which a company identifies what makes up their portfolio. BCG Matrix helps to process the portfolio and analyze its product’s attractiveness. The company can then decide whether to refrain from or invest into the product or brand. In this case, Square Toiletries Limited is represented by four brands in four different markets. They are Meril Splash in the beauty soap market, Chaka in the washing powder market, Freshgel in the toothpaste market and finally Senora in the sanitary napkin market. As assigned by the Square Toiletries Limited, our analysis of the given products in relation to the BCG Matrix is given below: On the vertical axis, the market growth rate provides a measure of attractiveness. On the horizontal axis, the relative market share serves as a measure of company strength in the market. STAR: Square Toiletries Limited has a sanitary napkin under which comes the brand ‘Senora’. Senora holds 60% of the market share in terms of volume, which is much higher than any other competitive sanitary napkin brands in the market. It also has a high market growth. Senora can be considered as a star product of Square Toiletries Limited as it has both a high market growth as well as a high share in the market. Thus Senora requires a high amount of investment to ustain their attractiveness in the market as its competitors are international brands. CASH-COWS: In the matrix shown on the previous page, Chaka washing-powder can be considered the cash-cows of Square Toiletries Limited. Cash-cows are low-growth, high-share businesses or products. Chaka comprises 9% of the total market share in Bangladesh. It cannot compete with the likes of Wheel which controls a whopping 40% of the market share. Chaka however can compete with its local rivals such as Keya (6% market share), Tibet (9% market share) among others. It is an established and successful SBU which doesn’t require much investment. Chaka earns a lot of cash which can be used to pay for the expenses of the business and support other SBUs needing investment. QUESTION MARKS: Meril Splash, a product of Square Toiletries Limited has a market share of 6% in the highly growing beauty-soap market. Compared to other brands like Lux, which has the most customers and an extremely high market share of 60%, Meril Splash has a very low market share. As a matter of fact, Meril Splash can be considered under the ‘Question Marks’ category since they are low-share business units in high-growth market. This brand will require a lot of investment to hold its share in the market. So the management needs to make a very wise decision about investing further in this product and take the risk to turn it into a ‘star’ or should it be phased out. DOGS: Unlike its business compatriots, Freshgel, a toothpaste brand from Square Toiletries Limited has a very low market share of just 2%. This category of product has low market growth. Hence in the BCG matrix, it can be considered a ‘dog’. It is categorized as such because it has both a low market share and a low market growth rate. Therefore Square Toiletries Limited should stop investing in Freshgel as it does not promise to produce a large source of cash. Eventually Freshgel should be closed down. By focusing and working properly on such aspects of the business, Square Toiletries can become a money-making machine.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Lovely Bones Essay Example

The Lovely Bones Essay Example The Lovely Bones Paper The Lovely Bones Paper Novel text: The lovely bones A study of the writing techniques Sebold uses to engage with the readers. Focus on: 1. Narrative style -1st Person Narrative -Tone -Imagery 2. Use of Flashbacks 3. Symbols 4. Names of characters Themes: ? Death ? Grief ? Healing ? Loss of innocence ? Isolation /Ostracism ? Family relationships -coping with loss and change Study of Techniques 1. NARRATIVE STYLE First Person -An intimate relationship is formed immediately so that we side with Susie instantly and begin to allow ourselves to be consumed by Susie’s tragedy -1st sentence. She confides in us -not only rape/murder (Chap 1), but her first kiss (p14), the secret, revealing photo of her mother (p 43), her hiding spots (p145) etc, we form a relationship of trust. â€Å"I WANT TO GROW UP† P19 Tone -Unsentimental tone -Chilling description -see imagery (imagery and tone work together to create sympathy) -Sebold’s narrative is void of feeling and sentiment -as if she does this so w e the readers fill it with our own emotive reactions empathy Imagery The strong and graphic imagery used evokes a strong emotional reaction from the reader -uses strong imagery to reinforce relationship between Susie and reader because we feel deep sympathy for what has happened to Susie. -â€Å"fitting my limbs together†-p8 -â€Å"he had put me in a waxy cloth sack†¦tumbled together with my knees fingers and toes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  -p50 -â€Å"town of floating graves† p182 USE OF FLASHBACKS -a technique that acts as a vehicle in allowing us to understand characters better, and feel sympathy for them flashbacks are scattered right through the novel Different ways flashbacks are used: Sympathy for Susie -Happy, normal childhood memories juxtaposed with her cruel reality. first kiss p13 -Everything precious memory of Susie’s is ruined by Mr. Harvey -flashbacks stylistic device used to further our hatred for Mr. Harvey and our sympathy for Mr. Harvey. sinkhole p51 -Technique of contrast -contrast present sadness of her life with youthful happiness of her stolen past. To understand characters contrast them before and after Susie’s death -we see them deal with death, loss grief in different ways. Jack Salmon Many memories of him being perfect father, p7, p51 then we see him deteriorate to a broken man carrying the guilt of not being there for Susie when she needed him p58 Contrast of happy memories with Abigail strong marriage to breakdown of marriage due to Susie’s death. Mr. Harvey -Even as the villain, flashbacks are used to conjure sympathy for Mr. Harvey. They are used to expose his disturbing/traumatic childhood and force the reader to see him as once innocent and more human. p188- 189, p97 With these flashbacks we must consider Mr. Harvey as a victim and his own inability to deal with loss and grief, (like Jack Salmon they both ostracize themselves from society). 3. SYMBOLS There is much symbolism within the text just a few to consider: To symbolise theme of healing and loss Salmon family must accept Susie’s death and find a new support structure amongst themselves. This colloquial term provokes humour in the family, and the â€Å"o’† is a reference to an Irish dialect. Sebold shows the reader that she changes the atmosphere within the family. In contrast to this, in the other extract she tells Lindsey that Abigail is â€Å"a wreck†, as if provoking Lindsey into conversation. Sebold uses to show the reader that as well as making a scene relaxed and humorous, she also is able to use colloquial language to talk about difficult, sensitive issues with the family. Lynn is characterised by Sebold through her excessive vanity, obsessed with the idea of beauty she does not reply to Abigail’s comment regarding her looks and immediately jumps into conversation regarding Jack and his suspicions. Later in this scene she then pressurises Abigail into letting her â€Å"do a makeover†, and when Lindsey asks Lynn to teach her about makeup, Sebold shows Lynn to be rejoiced about this by saying â€Å"My God in heaven, praise the Lord, yes! †. The use of exclamatives emphasises her vanity, as the reader can see her excitement in being able to teach her granddaughter about makeup. This also shows the reader the relationship she has with her family – her daughter is reluctant to let her get anywhere near her with â€Å"those instruments of torture†, which indicates that it may have happened to her previously with disastrous consequences, however her granddaughter is willing to do undergo this, to encourage Lindsey’s transformation from a teenager into a woman. This is reiterated when Lynn helps Susie find an outfit, where Lynn attempts to find Susie a â€Å"nice outfit† from her wardrobe. The idea of looks and appearance begins to rub off on Lindsey, who says that she â€Å"needs to look pretty†, an ideology closely followed by Lynn. Sebold also shows Lynn to be a frequent drinker, with her dependence on alcohol shown throughout the novel. As soon as she is introduced she is shown to drink excessively as she says â€Å"no one has to tell me where the liquor is! † The use of exclamatives in this sentence emphasises the idea that she has visited the Salmon family before, and that she drank excessively then. This can be seen as an ‘inside joke’ between the family. However, Sebold emphasises the point that she is dependent when she says to Jack â€Å"we need some stiff drinks†. The pronoun â€Å"we† is used to draw the attention away from herself, to make it look like she isn’t the only one who wants a drink. Lynn’s lexical choices also enhance her alcoholism, as Sebold uses the adjective â€Å"stiff† to describe how she wants the drinks to be strong, to help cope with the memorial. Sebold portrays Lynn as a very dominant character through the relationships she has with her family. When talking to others she controls the conversation through the use of interrogatives and through this is able to bring up sensitive areas with the family. She asks Abigail â€Å"how is he? † when Jack has left the room, and when he returns quickly drops conversation with â€Å"but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This ellipsis shows the reader how, although dominative, she is also sensitive to her family and does not want to upset anybody. This is shown again in the other extract where Lynn tells Lindsey â€Å"You are pretty†, which shocks both Lindsey and Susie as Lynn rarely gives out compliments. Lynn is shown to be a very caring member of the family, despite being somewhat flawed, and the way that she impacts upon the family after she has arrived shows that she plays a key role in the novel. Through her use of colloquial language, Sebold shows us that she is able to change the atmosphere of each scene, from humorous to very serious, and the varied sentence structures that Sebold uses portrays Lynn’s views and opinions, and structures her character.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Before the civil war

Before the civil war, a woman had a specific place in society, one that was extremely inferior to that of men. People had developed notions of what it meant to be a woman. The Civil War changed those notions. The War was the beginning of womans strive for suffrage in America. As the war came to an end, women became more involved in the world, and were allowed to achieve and accomplish a lot of things that only men had done in the past. The attributes of True Womanhood, by which a woman judged herself and was judged by her husband, her neighbors, and society could be divided into four cardinal virtues- piety, purity, submissiveness, and domesticity. (Welter 152). In her work, American Quarterly: The cult of True Womanhood, Barbara Welter explains her view on the role of a woman before the Civil War. In order for a girl to reach true womanhood she would have to reach for perfection in the four above categories. After the war, two of these attributes began to decline greatly in women, as they began to find new roles in society. Women started becoming more independent, and the submissiveness and domesticity gradually started to fade. They still had these qualities, but they were definitely not as strong as they had been before the war. Submission was perhaps the most feminine virtue expected of women. Men were supposed to be religious, although they rarely had time for it, and supposed to be pure, although it came awfully hard to them, but men were the movers, the doers, the actors. Women were the passive, submissive responders. (158-9). Women were very submissive before the war, but after it, they felt that they had earned a new role. They learned to perform the duties formerly only performed by men, and now felt that they did not have to give in so easily to the commands of them. A wife should occupy herself only with domestic affairs-wait till your husba...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Faith Diversity. Spiritual Healing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Faith Diversity. Spiritual Healing - Assignment Example In the present healthcare stipulation, healthcare providers need to undoubtedly have a wonderful understanding, acceptance and appreciation of the varied religious systems their patients belong to, almost all of which will be different from their beliefs (Ketchell, Pyles, & Canda, n.d). In this paper, three religions that are often met in health care facilities – Baha’ism, Buddhism, and Hinduism will be discussed. All these three religions have many similarities as well as many distinctions. This paper will respond to the following questions about each of the three religions: ‘What is the spiritual perspective on healing of each religion?’ ‘What are the critical components of healing, such as prayer, meditation, belief, etc?’, ‘What is important to people of the particular faith when cared for by a health care provider whose spiritual beliefs differ from their own?’, and â€Å"How do patients view health care providers who are abl e to let go of their own beliefs in the interest of the beliefs and practices of the patient?† Furthermore, these religions will be compared with Christianity and its perspective on faith and healing. In the end, I shall share the knowledge that I gained after researching the spiritual healing perspectives of these three religions. A Research on Spiritual Healing in Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha’ism Spiritual healing is a healing in which the patient is cured through spiritual practices. The perspective of spiritual healing is wide but generally includes meditation and prayers. Spiritual healing is found in all of the world’s major religions though it varies from one religion to another. Most patients belong to different faiths in the health care institutes the world over. In recent times, the health care providers have to deal with patients with varied surroundings and faiths. In this essay, the spiritual concept of health will be explored from the perspective of three major religious perspectives – Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha’ism. Moreover, we shall discuss what is essential for people of all these three beliefs and how do these patients examine health care providers. The spiritual perspective of healing of the three faiths – Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha’ism The Buddhists believe in inner healing and consider their health as the most fundamental asset in their life. Their healing procedure conceptualizes the mind and body as one single element. For instance, the sickness of one’s body has an effect on one’s psychological wellbeing. Therefore, they believe that personal enlightenment is the best way of curing one’s health. Moreover, the principle of karma directs the Buddhist concept of physical health. In other words, they believe that a person’s undesirable acts of harming oneself or others lead to injury or ill heath in this life as well as in future embodiments, therefore one needs t o rectify his karma for one’s wellbeing( Ketchell, Pyles & Canda, n.d). The second religion in discussion is one of the world’s most ancient religions – Hinduism. The Hindus are firm believers of God and religiously offer prayers every day. They too believe in termination of some essentials of human life that ensnares people in the continuous succession of birth and death thereby creating dissonance in life. According to the Hindus, this disharmony of health is the result of improper actions of the mind, body and speech; bad karma; or bad conduct. Furthermore, they believe that the soul has to pass through a series of births and deaths before finally attaining liberty from mortality. Therefore, prayers and meditation are absolutely necessary for healing oneself and for attaining mortality (Kakar, 1989, p.115). The third religion being explored is Baha’

Friday, November 1, 2019

State of Economy (Michigan) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

State of Economy (Michigan) - Essay Example Based on this evidence, economists remain certain that Michigan economic status will continue to climb out of its deep economic hole. The economy has enjoyed an increasingly substantial economic recovery from the Great Recession for instance the GDP of the state has increased up to 385 dollar in 2011 compared 352 dollars of the last two years and this can be attributed to some key indicators. The per capita income of the nation has increased by 0.7% in the 3rd quarter of 2012 on a yearly basis, even thought this rise was lower compared to the 2rd quarter. Based on this evidence, the GDP of the nation is calculated to be increasing at a 0.8 percent compared to the previous years. The figure below shows Michigan economic growth after the Great Recession This extensive economic growth – as shown in the figure is assumed to be from manufacturing sector. For instance, manufacturing has a great contribution to the positive economic growth index especially the automobile industry. Th e other main contribution is from the construction sector that has made an enormous growth index change since 2005. Other crucial indicators of Michigan’s economic growth include reduction in the unemployment rate from 9.2 percent to 8.7 percent between October and November. For instance, between 2011 and 2012, the nation has had substantial growth in private sector employment. This qualified Michigan to be among the top six rapidly growing world economies. The levels of employment in the nation have currently shown some improvement signs since the end of the Great Recession in 2009 (Barenblat, 25). For example, the nation’s household employment has risen to about 2.7% matching the national gain of the state. In addition, the greatest employment increased is evidence in some sectors such as education, health services, hospitality sector, leisure, logging in addition, mining sectors, with health sector adding up 1.7 million employment opportunities accounting for 50% of the job opportunities created since recession in 2008. Similarly, the housing market has also show some minimal improvements that may viewed as economic improvement indicators and the United States sales of light vehicles has been very strong in December, assisting in boosting the production of Michigan light motor vehicles in 2012. For instance, statistics shows that housing markets are stabilizing with rise in sales and prices. Although, new homes constructions remain minimal, they are expected to rise and meet the gap demand. The business climate of the nation and the economy have enhanced during the past few years although the change has not been stronger to push the nation in the top ten economically strong nations. Following the reduction of business taxation and shift of corporate tax, the business condition of the Michigan has shifted to be among the top seven best economies of the world. Economists report that the GDP per capita and employment rates of Michigan has increas ed substantially compared to their peer nations since 2008-9. A firm competitive business climate in Michigan in conjunction with innovative customer service based administration has great impacts on the country’s economic growth. The nation has reinvented the stated government in crucial ways to function for the best for its entire people. Their policies has shifted a 1.5 billion dollars deficit in the budget without the use of on-time accounting tricks and